Vultr VPS or Dedi Setup Cheat Sheet: Step 1: Deploy new Vultr Instance. (May take 10 mins to a few hours) Step 2: Login to cPanel and set it up. Step 3: Update Apache and Php versions. - Apache 2.4 and Php 5.5 - Skip to Exhaustive Options Menu - Toggle IonCube Loader 4.7.5 for PHP, Mbstring, and Zip. Uncheck MySQL "Improved" extension if it is on. - Save and build. Step 4: Upgrade to MariaDB Step 5: Configure PHP.ini with the PHP Configuration Editor, Advanced Mode - Change Core memory_limit to 1200M - Core post_max_size to 250M - Core upload_max_filesize 250M - Options & Information max_execution_time 7200 - Options & Information max_input_time 7200 - Save Step 6: Tweak Settings. Disable Stats Step 7: Configure my.cnf file. - Download and use free WinSCP - Navigate to /etc/my.cnf Step 8: Add Swap Memory - The following dd command example creates a swap file with the name “myswapfile” under /root directory with a size of 8192MB (8GB). # dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/myswapfile bs=1M count=8192 # ls -l /root/myswapfile - Change the permission of the swap file so that only root can access it. # chmod 600 /root/myswapfile - Make this file as a swap file using mkswap command. # mkswap /root/myswapfile - Enable the newly created swapfile. # swapon /root/myswapfile - To make this swap file available as a swap area even after the reboot, add the following line to the /etc/fstab file. # cat /etc/fstab /root/myswapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 Step 9: Reboot and check swap Step 10: Add Package Step 11: Create Accounts and Begin Making Sites